
Keep Talking, Though

I much prefer the kind of story where the reader is left wondering who's to blame until it begins to dawn on him (the reader) that he himself must bear some of the responsibility because he's human and therefore infinitely fallible.

(Richard Yates; cited by DeWitt Henry and Geoffrey Clark, "An Interview with Richard Yates", in Ploughshares, Winter 1972)

Once when he [Demonax, a supposed Cynic sage] came upon two uncouth philosophers inquiring and wrangling with one another—one of them putting absurd questions, the other answering perfectly irrelevantly—he said "Don't you think, my friends, that one of these guys is milking a he-goat and the other putting a sieve underneath it?"

(Lucian of Samosata (b. ca. 120AD), Demonax, Sec 28, Line 5; cited by Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Trans. Paul Guyer and Allen W. Wood, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998 (1781), cf. n. pp. 723-724)